Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2021, 10 (29): 16-24
UDC 338.1:631.1
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689.2021.10(29).2

Oleksandr Shpykuliak
Dr. Sci. (Econ.),
National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics», Kyiv

Vitalii Ivanchenko
Dr. Sci. (Econ.),
M.P. Shulgin State Road Research Institute State Enterprise, Kyiv

Yuliia Khvesyk
Dr. Sci. (Econ.),
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Abstract: The European green course has influenced the introduction of a "green" economy, the implementation of which requires the application of processes and procedures that will ensure the activities of the enterprise in agriculture in accordance with the developed national strategy and goals. Such a system, expressed through the organizational and institutional support of the green economy, will achieve the set economic, social and environmental goals and adhere to measures to meet the needs of future generations. Accordingly, the aim of the article was to reveal the peculiarities of the conceptualization of organizational and institutional support for the development of a "green" economy in agriculture. During the writing of the article in the process of research dialectical methods of scientific knowledge of the process of ensuring the development of green economy in agriculture, first of all analysis and synthesis, were used. Induction and deduction methods were also used to characterize the organizational and institutional parts of the provision. The study found that the system of organizational and institutional support of the "green" economy combines various interdisciplinary aspects of economic, social, environmental and institutional components for the organization of activities under the European Green Course, the National Concept of Green Transition, National Environmental Policy Strategy and others regulations. Institutional support for the development of the green economy is responsible for the formation of appropriate formal and informal institutions that will create conditions for further activities to achieve the goals. In general, institutional ties are just forming. Accordingly, the system of organizational and institutional support of the "green" economy, which combines various interdisciplinary aspects of economic, social, environmental and institutional components for organizing activities on the main objectives of the "European Green Course" and the national concept of "green" transition and "green" energy will not be formed. Also, the institutional component of the green economy is not yet fully formed and is in the process of formation, and the development of components of both organizational and institutional direction depend on each other. These systems highlighted the main points of organizational and institutional support of the green economy in agriculture and helped to reveal the main components of this process.
Key words: organizational and institutional support, sustainable development, green economy, green energy, ecological products.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2021
Date of online version: 2021